AIME Global Initiative

The Yves Landry Foundation has established the AIME (Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence) global initiative to […]

AIME Global Initiative

AIME Global Initiative

The Yves Landry Foundation has established the AIME (Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence) global initiative to support southern Ontario manufacturers that undertake training and skills-upgrade activities which will support innovation at their manufacturing facilities. This program has recently received a re-investment of funds from FedDev Ontario and reopened for applications.

Now eligible manufacturers can receive up to $100,000 to cover up to 50% of internal or external training costs for developing new engineering skills, learning to use new software/hardware/tools, or adopting/adapting new technologies or manufacturing methods.

Eligible applicants must have been in business for at least 3 years and have between 10-1000 employees in Southern Ontario. Apply now before funding runs out again!

Contact Pinnacle Capital Partners for a complementary assessment of your eligibility and to launch your application process.

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