Working practices & values – USA

Work-life balance in the US is certainly skewed towards working. Long hours are common. Yet, there […]

Working practices & values – USA

Working practices & values - USA

Work-life balance in the US is certainly skewed towards working. Long hours are common. Yet, there are many places across the US where a healthy equilibrium can be achieved.

It’s often said that Americans live to work while Canadians work to live and there is some truth to this statement. US employees work slightly longer hours than their global peers, according to the OECD.

Average commute times across the country are just over 25 minutes, according to the US Census Bureau, with slightly longer commutes commonplace in and around the big cities. Research from Gallup also suggests that remote working is becoming more prevalent.

US employment regulation tends to favour the employer, though rules vary from state to state. One key difference is that US employers can terminate a contract without any notice or reason. There’s also no right to sick pay in many states.

A few states operate without a minimum wage law, although others offer the mandated federal minimum of $7.25 an hour.

If you are considering expanding your operations to the US, Pinnacle Capital Partners is a leading concierge services provider offering multi-state coverage through dedicated staff and a network of connections which can support you and your business by tapping into local, county, state, and national incentives.

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