Innovation $ Funding

Is the lack of funds preventing your Company from going ahead with its business development, R&D […]

Innovation $ Funding

Innovation $ Funding

Is the lack of funds preventing your Company from going ahead with its business development, R&D or hiring projects?

Consider applying for tax credits or government grants to offset your cost! Pinnacle Consultants will review your plans and assist you with the application and submission process.

Over the past 22 years, we have helped hundreds of companies get SR&ED funding and R&D Tax Credits for their new initiatives.

When managed properly, R&D Tax Credits can be an integral part of your funding. Approximately 25,000 companies have been claiming for funding assistance each year for their research and experimental development over the past 5 years. Our management of your application process makes it seamless, increasing your chances of achieving your desired results.

Take advantage of our free Pinnacle Consultants assessment to determine your eligibility.

What is holding you back?

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